Free Practice Questions for Biology in General-studies

Practice questions here, for every subject and every exam. Unlimited questions for unlimited attempts, given with answers and explanations.

Question 1:

How does tuberculosis spread in humans?

Question 2:

How does vegetative reproduction take place in red algae?

Question 3:

Why is water fluoridation, which is the controlled adjustment of fluoride to public water supply, done?

Question 4:

__________ refers to a sanitation system in which toilets collect human excreta in sealable, removable cartridges that are transported to treatment facilities.

Question 5:

Poor sanitation conditions may NOT be the likely reason behind which of the following diseases/conditions?

Question 6:

Which of the following is an example of monosaccharides?

A. Fructose

B. Sucrose

C. Starch

D. Glucose

Question 7:

Which of the following statements about ‘Swachh Survekshan - Urban’ is INCORRECT?

Question 8:

Which level of the food chain includes millipede, springtails, woodlice, dung flies and slugs that feed on the dead or decaying plants or animals?

Question 9:

In the context of the spread of germs by fecal matter, which of the following does NOT figure in the F-Diagram?

Question 10:

How many eyes does a Bee have?

Question 11:

What is the maximum population of species of living beings living in the ecosystem of a geographical area, which can be provided by the resources of that ecosystem?

Question 12:

A typical adult human body contains about_______ of magnesium.

Question 13:

Vitamin B Complex consists of how many vitamins?

Question 14:

Select the water soluble vitamin among the following?

Question 15:

Which of the following nutrients stores maximum energy per gram?

Question 16:

What percent of energy is transmitted from one trophic level to another in a food chain?

Question 17:

The commonly used Vitamin B Complex is constituted of how many vitamins ?

Question 18:

In which of the following type of organisms autotrophic nutrition is Found?

Question 19:

Which of the following vitamins is related to Osteoporosis?

Question 20:

For the autotrophic form of nutrition, _____ is necessary.