Attempt now to get your rank among 198 students!

Question 1:

Select the set of classes the relationship among which is best illustrated by the given Venn diagram.

Question 2:

Select the Venn diagram that best represents the relation among the following classes. 

Singers, Males, Brothers

Question 3:

In the following diagram, the rectangle stands for 'yoga teachers', the circle stands for 'Indians', and the triangle stands for 'social workers'. The numbers given in the different segments represent the number of persons of that category.

How many Indian social workers are not yoga teachers?

Question 4:

Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship among the following classes.

Information, News, History

Question 5:

Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship among the following classes.

Paper, Craft, Art

Question 6:

In the following diagram, the triangle stands for 'women', the square stands for 'mothers', and the circle stands for 'dancers'. The numbers given in the different segments represent the number of persons of that category.

How many women are dancers but NOT mothers?

Question 7:

There are 46 students in a class. All the students take part in one or both of two activities i.e., Yoga and Dance. If 30 students take part in Yoga and 26 students take part in Dance, how many students take part in both Yoga and Dance?

Question 8:

Select the set of classes whose relations between them is best represented by the given Venn diagram.

Question 9:

In the following diagram, the circle stands for 'teachers', the rectangle stands for 'part-time workers', and the triangle stands for 'online educators'. The numbers given in the different segments represent the number of persons of that category.

How many teachers are online educators and also part-time workers?

Question 10:

In the following figure, the rectangle represents 'strong', the circle represents 'leather', the triangle represents 'bags', and the square represents 'red'.

Select the letter that represents leather bags which are strong but NOT red coloured.