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Question 1:

Six friends, Priya, Arun, Vansh, Rajat, Bhavna and Manju, are sitting around a circular table, with their backs towards the centre. Vansh is sitting second to the right of Rajat. Arun and Priya are not the neighbours of Rajat. Manju is sitting between Rajat and Arun. Who is sitting between Vansh and Rajat?

Question 2:

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.

Seven people J, K, L, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a circular table with equal distance to each other. All of them face towards the centre of the table. Two people sit between K and L. J sits second to the left of L. J sits third to the right of W. Only one person sits between W and X. Y sits second to the left of Z.

What is the position of X with respect to L?

निर्देश : निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन करें और निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।

सात व्यक्ति J, K, L, W, X, Y और Z एक वृत्ताकार मेज पर एक दूसरे से समान दूरी पर बैठे हैं। उन सभी का मुख मेज के केंद्र की ओर है। K और L के बीच दो व्यक्ति बैठे हैं। J, L के बाएं से दूसरे स्थान पर बैठा है। J, W के दायें से तीसरे स्थान पर बैठा है। W और X के बीच केवल एक व्यक्ति बैठा है। Y, Z के बाएं से दूसरे स्थान पर बैठा है।

Question 3:

Seven friends S, T, U, V, W, X and Y, are sitting around a circle with their backs towards the centre. There are three people between Y and V. W is sitting to the immediate right of V. U is sitting between Y and X. T is not the neighbour of W or Y. S is the neighbour of W. Who is sitting between V and X?

Question 4:

Six friends, A, B, C, D, E and F, are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. D is third to the right of B. F is to the immediate right of D . C is between D and E. Who is sitting between B and F ?

Question 5:

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting in a row on a wall facing towards the west. R is just to the left of S. Q is at one of the end points and T is his neighbour. V is sitting between T and U. S is fifth from the north end. Who among the following persons is sitting exactly in the middle of the row?

Question 6:

Six friends, A, B, C, D, E and F, are sitting opposite to each other in a circle, facing towards the centre. C and D are adjacent to each other. Also, B and F are adjacent to each other. E is sitting opposite to B. F is sitting to the left of B. Who is sitting between E and F?

Question 7:

Five friends P,Q,R,S and T are travelling in a bus. All are sitting in five different rows one after the other, facing the same direction. P is sitting just ahead of S. T is after Q. An equal number of people are sitting before and after R. T is before R. Who is sitting at the end?

Question 8:

Chirag, Firoz, Hira, Joy and Lohit are sitting in a straight row facing north. Lohit is sitting immediate to the right of Firoz. Chirag is sitting immediate to the left of Joy. Only Hira sits between Lohit and Chirag. Who is sitting third to the right of Firoz?

Question 9:

Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting anti-clockwise around a circular table in the same sequence facing the center with an equal distance between them. G is sitting in the east. C and E interchange their places. Who is sitting in the southeast direction?

Question 10:

M, N, O and P are sitting at an equal distance from each other around a round office table. E, F, G and H have also joined the meeting. M is sitting opposite to F and between O and G .P is sitting second to the right of G and third to the left of H. If N is opposite to H, then who are sitting adjacent to F?