Attempt now to get your rank among 6 students!

Question 1:

The initiators of 'Harijan' were-

Question 2:

An increase in the nature of legal disputes was seen after Lord Cornwallis's land-order system came into force in 1793.

Which one of the following provisions is generally seen as its factor?

Question 3:

After the Treaty of Allahabad, who was made the Deputy Diwan of Murshidabad by Robert Clive?

Question 4:

Who was associated with the establishment of Deccan Educational Society?

Question 5:

Who operated the radio in Quit India Movement?

Question 6:

Who among the following represented Indian Christians in the Round Table Conferences held in London?

Question 7:

Who among the following had proposed the Mahalwari Settlement?

Question 8:

In which year were the first three universities (Calcutta, Madras, Bombay) established in India?

Question 9:

Who was related to the Ryotwadi Settlement of Madras?

Question 10:

When did the Civil Disobedience Movement started for the second time?