RBI Assistant Memory Based Test

Updated On : 21 Mar, 2022


Hello Aspirants!

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) selects a number of candidates each year to work as RBI Assistants in their prestigious organization. Thousands of prospective students from all over India try their luck in order to secure a seat, but only a few get successful. Aside from the overall reputation and respect that such a job brings, the pay, benefits, and perks are also quite significant. On February 17, 2022, the RBI released the RBI Assistant detailed notification for 2022. The exam will be held on March 26th and 27th, 2022. 

Previous Year Examination analysis plays an important role in providing detailed information about the pattern of the exam and the difficulty level of the questions in each section.

Before starting with the analysis let us first know about the pattern of the RBI Assistant Prelims examination.

RBI Assistant Pre exam has the following 3 sections in the objective test comprising 100 questions to be solved in 60 minutes (i.e. 1 hour):

  • Reasoning Ability

  • Numerical Ability

  • English Language

The RBI conducted an online preliminary exam for the recruitment of Assistants in various exam centres across India. The exam drew tens of thousands of candidates who participated in the RBI Assistant Prelims exam 2020 very enthusiastically. As per the inputs provided by the candidates, the overall level of the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2020 was Easy level. The detailed section-wise analysis & good attempts are given below.

Highlights of the RBI Assistant 2020 Prelims Examination;

  • The level of the overall exam was easy to moderate.

  • There were no new pattern questions introduced in any shift of the examination.

  • Most of the candidates managed to attempt more than 85 questions in the examination.

  • The sequence of the sections in the exam was English → Numerical (Quant) → Reasoning

  • The Numerical Ability (Quant.) section was the longest of them all.

  • Candidates who had prepared thoroughly found the exam to be simple to complete in the allotted time.

Level of each section in detail

English Language (Easy)

The level of English Language was Easy. There was 1 set of Reading Comprehension and it was based on a story of a Merchant. There was 3-4 vocabulary in RC. An average good attempt of questions in this section was 22 to 27 questions. 

Numerical Aptitude (Easy-Moderate)

The level of quantitative aptitude was Easy to Moderate. A majority of the questions asked in this section were of 15 Simplifications and there was only one set of Data Interpretation based on Bar-Graph. An average good attempt of questions in this section was 24 to 28 questions. 

Reasoning Ability (Easy)

The level of the Reasoning Ability section was Easy to Moderate. An average good attempt of questions in this section was 27 to 32 questions. There were a total of 3 sets of Puzzles and Seating Arrangement in the 4th shift of RBI Assistant Prelims which are given below:-

  • Circular Seating Arrangement (8 people)

  • Linear Seating Arrangement (8 people)

  • Random Puzzle

With a quick glance at the topics covered in the exam, you can plan which types of questions to be answered in the upcoming RBI Assistant exam and which to avoid. Because the level of difficulty has already been stated, it mentally prepares you to easily determine the questions to be answered accordingly.

The next crucial step to prepare for the RBI Assistant Prelims exam, which is even more important is to practice Mock Test daily. Exampur offers specially curated RBI Assistant Free Mock Tests designed by experts with previous year papers and the most recent exam pattern in mind to assist you with your preparations. Take a Mock Exam now to evaluate your preparation for the upcoming prelims exam

Remember that starting early is essential for acing any exam. Sectional tests and topic tests are also included in our Module to cover the topics that trouble you while studying.


Candidates must be aware of the cut-off because it is the minimum qualification marks enabling them to proceed to the next stage of the selection process.

Not only exam analysis but the state-wise cut-off of the previous year will help you in your preparation.

Following the announcement of the results for each stage, the RBI issued cut-off marks. However, after the final result is announced, the online examination (both preliminary and main) Cut-Off marks will be available on the RBI's official website. We have provided the previous year's cut-off marks of the prelims exam at a glance in the section below for your convenience.

The cut-off marks for Assistant positions are released by the RBI in the following formats: Sectional cut-off, Overall cut-off, and Zone-wise cut-off.

  • Sectional Cut off for the RBI Assistant: Candidates must pass each section of the written exam. Candidates who do not score higher than the cut-off in any of the sections will be disqualified from taking the Language Proficiency Test.

  • RBI Assistant Overall Cutoff: According to the RBI Assistant Cut-off, candidates must score higher than the overall cutoff. If a candidate clears the sectional cutoff for each section but fails to clear the overall cutoff, his or her candidature will be rejected.

  • Zone by zone Cut off for RBI Assistant: For the online examination, candidates must score higher than the zone-wise cut-off (Mains & Preliminary).

Let us have a look at “Sectional Cut-off” of RBI Assistant Prelims 2019-2020

RBI Assistant Prelims 2020


General, ESM-Gen







Numerical Ability (Quant)




Reasoning Ability




You must keep this in mind that the cut-off marks will never be consistent from year to year due to a variety of factors. The cut-off marks differ for each category; here are the factors that influence the cut-off.

  • The number of open positions

  • Aspirants who will take the exam

  • The examination's level of difficulty

  • Candidate classification according to their category

We hope this article has helped you understand the difficulty level of RBI Assistant Exams.


To do well in the RBI Assistant exam, aspirants must first understand the types of questions that were asked in the previous year's exam so that they can prepare accordingly.

Benefits of Solving RBI Memory Based Test

  • This Memory Based test will provide a rough idea of the level of questions asked in the RBI Assistant 2020 exam making your preparation easier and more interesting.

  • Solving memory-based test questions gives you an idea of the format of the questions. Practice and Download RBI Memory Based Test Paper to know the type of questions asked in the exam.

  • By Solving the RBI Memory Based Test, you can get an idea of the trend followed by the RBI each year for the RBI Assistant Exam.

  • By practising previous year's papers, you will gain an understanding of the exam pattern and the types of questions asked in RBI Assistant which will allow you to feel more confident during the exam.

  • You will be able to assess your performance and improve it by answering more and more questions. Solving Previous Year Papers will provide you with information about your preparation level as well as areas where you are lagging behind and need more practice.

The question paper of the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam includes 3 subjects, i.e. English Language (30 questions), Numerical Ability(35 questions) and Reasoning(35 questions). There will be a total of 100 questions and each question will carry 1 mark. However, there will be a negative marking of ¼ (0.25) marks for each wrong answer. The overall difficulty level of the questions ranges from easy to moderate. 

Below is the Previous Year Paper of RBI Assistant Examination 2020

Do check it and find out in what ways it is useful for your exam preparation and how it will help you ace the exam.

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