Attempt now to get your rank among 38 students!

Question 1:

Find the value of ? in the following question :-

    ?% of 700 + 100 * 3 = 12 * 60

Question 2:

Find the value of ? in the following question :-

      51 + 189 = ? - 60

Question 3:

Find the value of ? in the following question :-

       10% of 400 + 200 ÷ 4 - ? = 50

Question 4:

Find the value of ? in the following question :-

      √900 + √2500 + 16 * 4 = ?

Question 5:

Find the value of ? in the following question :-

     16 * 18 ÷ 8 ÷ 3 = ? ÷ 2

Question 6:

On simplification, the expression $1 \div 1\left\{\frac{1}{2}+\frac{5}{2}\right.$ of $\left.\frac{1}{5}-\left(\frac{1}{4} \div \frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\right)+\frac{1}{2} \times 3\right\}$ will give the result as:

Question 7:

Which of the following fractions is less than $\frac{7}{8}$ and greater than $\frac{1}{3}$ ?

Question 8:

Sum of the fractions $\frac{3}{15}$ and $\frac{7}{12}$ is -

Question 9:

Simplify the expression : 

$\frac{21+(-18) \times 2-[-4+15\{5\div(4-7)\}\div4(-5)]}{(-14) \times(2)+7}$

Question 10:

If $(11011)_{2}=$( _____ )$_{10}$, then the number in the blank space is -