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Question 1:

Assertion (A): In the classrooms boys have the potential to perform much better than the girls in Mathematics and Science.

Reason (R): Mathematical reasoning and scientific ability come naturally to boys than girls.

Question 2:

One of the types of gender discrimination is –

Question 3:

A school gives preference to girls while preparing students for a State level solo-song competition. This reflects-

Question 4:

While preparing students for the annual cultural programme, a teacher gives preference to girls. It shows –

Question 5:

Gender stereotyping reduce-

Question 6:

A school gives preference to girls while preparing students for state-level solo-song competition . This reflects :

Question 7:

Boys are often gifted cars and mechanical blocks while girls are gifted dolls and drawing supplies to play with. This inappropriate practice illustrates-

Question 8:

During a discussion on "Cricket", a teacher is posing questions mostly to boys and not to girls. This act of teacher is an example of -

Question 9:

A teacher holds the perception that boys are more intelligent and risk taking and girls are obedient and sincere and treats them accordingly. This is an example of –

Question 10:

During classroom discussions, a teacher often pays more attention to boys than girls. This is an example of-