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Question 1:

Who among the following did not come to India with Alexander?

Question 2:

Which of these Gupta rulers defeated the Hunas?

Question 3:

Who is known as the 'Shaka-conqueror'?

Question 4:

The first Gupta ruler to issue silver coins was-

Question 5:

From the 3rd century AD, when the Roman Empire came to an end with the invasion of the Huns, Indian merchants became more and more dependent on which of the following trade?

Question 6:

Who among the following is not a ruler of the Kushana Dynasty?

Question 7:

Which among the following was the second capital of Kushanas in ancient India?

Question 8:

Ashvaghosha was the court poet of which of the following kings ?

Question 9:

Which Kushana ruler adopted the title Maheshwar?

Question 10:

Who among the following scholars were not the Contemporary of Kanishka?