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Question 1:

A condition characterised by ‘difficulty in memorising number sequence, comparing any two or more numbers and connecting number concept to symbolic form’, is referred as _____________________

Question 2:

Excessive physical movement, inattention and impulsivity are primary characteristics of:

Question 3:

For successful inclusion of students with 'giftedness', which of the following strategies should a teacher avoid to use?

Question 4:

Which of the following practices promotes inclusion in education?

Question 5:

With respect to inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools, which of the following provision is against the Rights of persons with disabilities Act (2016)?

Question 6:

Which of the following learning disabilities directly affects communication skills and comprehension abilities?

Question 7:

For the successful inclusion of students with hearing impairment, a teacher should:

Question 8:

Which of the following is a correctly matched pair of appropriate accommodation strategies with respect to inclusion of students with the specified learning preferences?

Question 9:

In order to promote inclusion in education, which of the following becomes a barrier?

Question 10:

Which of the following disability is directly associated with the difficulty in social interactions?