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Question 1:

Find the related word/letters to complete the Analogy.

LOSE : MQVI : : GAIN : ?

Question 2:

In a row of boys, Aman is 15th from the left end and Kapil is 19th from the right. When they exchange their places, Aman is 9 from the left. What is the new position of Kapil from the right?

Question 3:

Five persons L, M, N, O and P have different heights. N is taller than M and O. L is taller than P, who is shorter than O. N is not taller than L. If M is taller than O then who is the shortest?

Question 4:

Starting from a point P, Sachin walked 20 metres towards South. He turned left and walked 30metres. He turned left and walked 20 metres. He again turned left and walked 40 metres and reached a point Q. How far and in which direction is the point Q from the point P?

Question 5:

What will come in place of question mark in the following number series?
16 26 48 ? 152 246 376

Question 6:

Find the odd figure out.

Question 7:

Select the related number to complete the analogy.

9 : 162 : : 12 : ?

Question 8:

A word has been given followed by four others words, one of which cannot be formed by using the letters of the given word. Find that word.


Question 9:

Select the missing number from the given responses.

Question 10:

At 4 pm Deepak and Vikash were talking facing each other. The shadow of Deepak was on the left of Vikash. In which direction was Deepak facing?