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Question 1:

In India, Special Economic Zones(SEZ) were established to enhance?

Question 2:

Asia's largest Onion Mandi is located at

Question 3:

Every year, who declares 'Minimum Support Price' of food grains?

Question 4:

Which of the following terms is associated with the production of honey?

Question 5:

Under the minimum support price (MSP) the minimum guaranteed prices are fixed to set a floor below which market prices cannot fall. In case no one buys it, the _____ will buy the stock at this minimum guaranteed prices.

Question 6:

The term 'Yellow Revolution' is related to which of the following sectors in India?

Question 7:

At present what is the rank of India among the cotton  producing countries of the world?

Question 8:

Who was the father of the Green Revolution in India?

Question 9:

The production of which of the following crops requires maximum water per hectare?

Question 10:

In which of the following states is the National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard Iocated in India?