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Question 1:

"Ashtapradhan system" was introduced under whose administration ?

Question 2:

Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Question 3:

The term “Patel” refers to which one of the following ?

Question 4:

What was the relation of 'Kurram' in the Chola administration?

Question 5:

Which of the following statements is correct ?

Question 6:

Which of the following forts was first captured by Shivaji?

Question 7:

Consider the following statements regarding the Marathi self-rule or village governance:

1.The chief village officer was Patel, who used to do tax-related and other administrative work.

2.Patel's office was subject to elections by every 5 years.

3.Patel used to get government salary and money for development expenditure from the Peshwa.

Which of the above statements is not correct:

Question 8:

Which one of the following statements is not correct.

Question 9:

The backbone of the Maratha army was provided by groups of peasant-pastoralists called

Question 10:

In which of the following battles Mughals were defeated by Shivaji?