Attempt now to get your rank among 141 students!

Question 1:

The total number of gold medals and silver medals won by India in the Games is 85. Which of the following cannot be the ratio between the number of silver medals won by India and the number of gold medals?

Question 2:

If $\mathrm{X}: \mathrm{Y}=13: 12$ and $\mathrm{X}-\mathrm{Y}=2$, then what is the value of $(2 \mathrm{X}+3 \mathrm{Y})$ ?

Question 3:

If (x + y – z) : (y – z + 2w) : (2x + z – w) = 2 : 3 : 1, then the ratio of (5w – 3x – z) : 3w = ?

Question 4:

$\frac{3}{10}^{t h}$ part of an electric stick is red, $\frac{4^{t h}}{7}$ part of the remaining is black and the remaining part is white. If the length of the black part is $12 \mathrm{~cm}$ then find the length(in cm) of the white part of the electric stick?

Question 5:

A person bought some rice and wheat for Rs. 380 . The ratio of weight of rice and wheat is $4: 3$ and the price of equal amount of rice and wheat is in the ratio $5: 6 .$ The rice was bought of worth

Question 6:

In a wallet, there are notes of the denominations Rs. 10 and Rs. 50 . The total number of notes is $12 .$ The number of notes of Rs. 10 and Rs. 50 are in the ratio of $1: 2$. Total money in the wallet is:

Question 7:

There is ratio of 5:4 between two numbers. If 40 percent of the first is 12 , then 50% of the second number is:

Question 8:

The ratio of the market price of wheat and rice is 3: 8 and the ratio of their quantities consumed in a family is 4: 9. What is the ratio of expenditure on wheat and rice?

Question 9:

If a student distributes sweets in the ratio of $\frac{1}{2}: \frac{1}{3}: \frac{1}{4}: \frac{1}{5}: \frac{1}{7}$ among five of his friends $\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}, \mathrm{C}, \mathrm{D}$ and $\mathrm{E}$, then the total number(minimum) of sweets he should have is:

Question 10:

The ratio of A's and B's salary is $6: 7$. If B's salary is increased by $5 \frac{1}{2} \%$, then his total salary becomes ₹ 147700. The salary (in ₹) of $A$ is