Attempt now to get your rank among 69 students!

Question 1:

The value of $8-2$ of $3-[6-4$ of $\{4-(2-4$ of 4$)\}]$ is:

Question 2:

The value of $\frac{18 \times 4 \div 2 \text { of } 3-4}{2 \times(9-7)+1-2 \times 3 \div 4 \text { of } \frac{1}{2}}$

Question 3:

Find the value of

$\left(1-\frac{1}{3^{2}}\right)\left(1-\frac{1}{4^{2}}\right)\left(1-\frac{1}{5^{2}}\right) \cdots \times\left(1-\frac{1}{8^{2}}\right)$

Question 4:

Simplify : $2-\frac{4}{1+\frac{2}{1-\frac{2}{5-\frac{3}{4+\frac{2}{7}}}}}$

Question 5:

Simplify: $1+\frac{4}{2+\frac{3}{5-\frac{1}{2}}}-\frac{1}{2}(10 \div 2)$

Question 6:

If $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1-\frac{2176}{2401}}}=1+\frac{x}{7}$, then the value of $x:$

Question 7:

Find the value of $21^{2}+17^{2}-13^{2}$

Question 8:

What is the value of $98-296 \div[36 \div\{8 \times 6+(5 \times 8-79)\}]$

Question 9:

Solve the following expression:

$ \frac{80 \div[(18-6) \div\{4 \div 8 \times 7 \div 56\}+7]}{7+4 \times 20 \div 8  of 5-8} $

Question 10:

Each member of a club has contributed Rs. 10 more than 3 times the number of the members. If the total contribution is Rs.3,000, the number of members is: