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Question 1:

Which letter in the English alphabetical series is the 4th letter to the right of the letter which is the 12th letter to the left of the last but one letter of the alphabet?

Question 2:

In English alphabetical order, first 5 letters are written in reversed order, then next 4 letters are written in reversed order, then again next 5 letters are written in reversed order and at last all the remaining letters are written in reversed order. Which letter will be at 16th position to the right of 2nd from left end?

Question 3:

In English alphabetical order, if A is replaced with N, B is replaced with O and so on till M is replaced with Z, then find which letter will be at 13th position to the left of the 11th element from the right end of the arrangement?

Question 4:

Find the letter which lies exactly between the 3rd letter from the right end and 14th letter from the left end of the English alphabetical series?

Question 5:

In the reverse English alphabetical order, which letter will be 18th to the left of 2nd to the right of 5th from right end?

Question 6:

In the English alphabetical series, which letter will be 8th to the right of 9th to the right of 23rd from right end?

Question 7:

Choose the word from the following whose letters are in reversed English alphabetical order.
2. Volt
3. Trip
4. Fact

Question 8:

Choose the word from the following whose letters are in English alphabetical order.
1. Trap,
2. Port,
3. Micro,
4. Apron

Question 9:

Which of the following words has its letters not in the order of the English alphabet?

Question 10:

What will be written in the place of question mark in the given series?

X 24 E 5 J 10 M 13 ? 7