Attempt now to get your rank among 236 students!

Question 1:

Z, $Y, X, W$ and $V$ are sitting on a sofa facing north. $Z$ is sitting immediately next to $Y . X$ is sitting immediately next to $W$. $V$ is sitting on the leftmost seat. $X$ is at the second position from the right. $Z$ and $X$ are sitting together.Who is sitting at the middle position?

Question 2:

Five people I, II, III, IV and V standing in a line facing north. V and II are standing together. V and III are standing together. I is at the extreme left. II is second from the extreme right. Who is standing at the extreme right?

Question 3:

Five people, I, J, K, L, and M, are sitting in a straight row, facing north. K sits to the immediate right of L. Only two people sit between L and I. M sits to the immediate right of I and to the immediate left of J. Who sits in the middle of the row?

Question 4:

All persons in a row are facing North, $\mathrm{X}$ is 6th to the right of $\mathrm{F}$ who is at the extreme left. $\mathrm{X}$ has 3 persons on the right. What is the total number of persons in the row?,

Question 5:

Pratik, Esha, Rashmi, Sakshi and Trisha are sitting on a bench facing North. Trisha & Esha are sitting together, Trisha & Rashmi are sitting together, Pratik is on the extreme left, Esha is second from extreme right. Who is sitting between Pratik & Esha?

Question 6:

Six boys A1,A2,A3,A4,A5 and A6 are sitting around a circular table, facing towards the centre. A4 is the third to the left of A1. A5 and A3 are neighbours of A4 . A6 is to the immediate right of A5. Who is sitting third from the left of A6?

Question 7:

Five people M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 are sitting around a circular table facing the centre (but not necessarily in the same order). Only one person is sitting between M3 and M4. M2 is sitting second to the left of M4. M1 is sitting to the immediate right of M2.

How many people are sitting between M2 and M1, when counted from the left of M2?

Question 8:

Eight girls X,Y,Z,U,V,W,S and T are sitting around a circular table, facing towards the centre (not necessarily in the same order). X is second to the left of U. U is third to the left of V . Z is third to the right of S. S is not the immediate neighbour of V . T is third to the right of Y. Y is second to the right of S.Three out of the following four options are similar by a certain logic and form a group. Which of the following does NOT belong to that group?

Question 9:

six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a circle facing the centre. F is to the immediate left of A and B is sitting opposite to F. E and D are sitting opposite each other. Who is sitting opposite A?

Question 10:

Seven men M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 and M7 are sitting around a circular table, facing towards the centre (not necessarily in the same order). M5 is the immediate neighbour of both M1 and M4. M6 is to the immediate right of M1. M7 is not the immediate neighbour of M6 or M3.Who is second to the right of M7?