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Question 1:

Direction: In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statement. These statements are followed by two or three conclusions. Answer as per the options

Statement: $\mathrm{P}<\mathrm{Q} \leq \mathrm{R} \leq \mathrm{S} \leq \mathrm{T}$

Conclusion: I. $\mathrm{P} < \mathrm{S}$

II. $\mathrm{P}=\mathrm{S}$

III. $\mathrm{P}>\mathrm{S}$

Question 2:

Direction: In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statement. These statements are followed by two or three conclusions. Answer as per the options

Statement: $\mathrm{N}<\mathrm{I} \leq \mathrm{T} \leq \mathrm{J}>\mathrm{M}$
conclusion: I. $\mathrm{N} \leq \mathrm{M}$
II. $M>N$
III. $\mathrm{I}<\mathrm{J}$

निर्देश : इस प्रश्न में, कथन में विभिन्न तत्वों के बीच संबंध दर्शाया गया है। इन कथनों के बाद दो या तीन निष्कर्ष दिए गए हैं। विकल्पों के अनुसार उत्तर दीजिए-

Question 3:

Direction: In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statement. These statements are followed by two or three conclusions. Answer as per the options

Statement: $\mathrm{U}<\mathrm{D} \leq \mathrm{T}<\mathrm{V}$

$\mathrm{M}>\mathrm{N} \geq \mathrm{D}>\mathrm{S}$


I. $U< N$

II. V $>$ M

III. $\mathrm{V} \geq \mathrm{M}$

निर्देश : इस प्रश्न में, कथन में विभिन्न तत्वों के बीच संबंध दर्शाया गया है। इन कथनों के बाद दो या तीन निष्कर्ष दिए गए हैं। विकल्पों के अनुसार उत्तर दीजिए-

Question 4:

Directions : Study the following questions carefully and answer the questions.
A ≥ 12 ≤ G < P = K ≤ M = 5
I. 5 > 12
II. 5 = 12
III. K > G

Question 5:

If the numbers 20 and 28 are interchanged then which of the following equations can be correctly balanced?

Question 6:

Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?

$12+156 \div 13 \times 6-100=50 $

Question 7:

If the first half of the reversed English alphabet is written in the reversed order then which letter will be 8th to the left of the 20th letter from the left?

Question 8:

If the first 8 letters of the English alphabet are written in the reversed order, after that next 8 letters are also written in the reversed order, and then remaining letters are also written in the reversed order then which letter will be 4th to the left of the 22nd letter from the left?

Question 9:

In English Alphabetical Order, how many letters will be there in between the 20th letter from the left end and 8th letter from the right end?

Question 10:

In Reversed English Alphabetical Order, how many letters will be there in between the 4th letter from the left end and 18th letter from the right end?