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Question 1:

Direction : In each question below is given a group of letters followed by four combinations of numbers/symbols (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to find out which combination correctly represents the group of letters based on the following coding system and conditions and mark the serial number of that combination as the answer.
Letters : R D E K A F H I U B M Z W J
Digit/Symbol Code : 7 1 * 2 % 3 8 © 4 @ 9 5 6 $
Conditions : (i) If both the first and the third letter are vowels, then both are to be coded with the code of the third letter.
(ii) If both the first and the fourth letters are consonants, both are to be coded with the code of the first letter.
(iii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter a consonant, their codes are to be interchanged.


निर्देश : नीचे प्रत्येक प्रश्न में अक्षरों का एक समूह और उसके बाद अंकों/प्रतीकों के चार संयोजन (a), (b), (c) और (d) दिए हैं। निम्नलिखित कोडिंग सिस्टम और शर्त्तों के आधार पर आपको यह पता लगाना है कि कौन-सा संयोजन अक्षर समूह का सही ढंग से निरूपण करता है और उस संयोजन का क्रमांक उत्तर के रूप में दिखाना है।
अक्षर : R D E K A F H I U B M Z W J
अंक/प्रतीक कोड : 7 1 * 2 % 3 8 © 4 @ 9 5 6 $
शर्त्तें : (i) यदि पहला और तीसरा अक्षर दोनों स्वर हैं, तो दोनों को तीसरे अक्षर के कोड से कोड करना है।
(ii) यदि पहला और चौथा अक्षर दोनों व्यंजन हैं, तो दोनों को पहले अक्षर के कोड से कोड करना है।
(iii) यदि पहला अक्षर एक स्वर और अन्तिम अक्षर एक व्यंजन हैं, तो उनके कोड परस्पर बदले जाने हैं।

Question 2:

In a certain code language, 'GASTRIC' is coded as 7119201833 and 'FREEDOM' is coded as 618224413 . How will 'BOARDING' be coded in that language?

Question 3:

If $G=7$, and $S H O R T=16$, then how will you code FEAT?

Question 4:

In a certain code language, ‘RUST’ is coded as ‘7539’ and ‘SORE’ is coded as ‘3472’.

How will ‘TRUE’ be coded in that language?

Question 5:

In a certain code language, MUSICAL is written as NATODEM and CREATE is written as DSIEUI. How will STEROID be written in that language?

Question 6:

In a certain code, ' E ' is written as 'O', 'I' as 'W' ' C ' as ' F ' and' D ' is written as ' Y '. How will 'DECIDE' be written in that code?

Question 7:

In a certain language, FUTILE is written as EGTVSUHJMDF. How will HELPFUL be written in that language?

Question 8:

In a certain code language, ARTICLE is written as 71451122203 . How will FABULOUS be written in the same code language?

Question 9:

In a certain code, 'how are you' is written as 'au bk ch', 'we are playing' is written as 'ma ch ba' and 'we know him' is written as 'ba me uk' . What will 'playing' be written as in that code language?

Question 10:

If in a coded language,

We Are Good is coded as Z% D& T$

Sample Test Available is coded as G& Z@ H%

Bad Things Happen is coded as S% Y& G&

Then what is the code for REBEL in the same coded pattern?