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Question 1:

 Following Figure has some numbers based on a certain pattern. Find the missing number which will satisfy the pattern.

Question 2:

What will come in place of the question mark in the following question?

Question 3:

Study the given pattern carefully and select the number from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in it.

          48                  63                  56

  42   18    8      45  15  21      51   ?   8

          14                   9                    17

Question 4:

Find out the missing number from the options given below.

Question 5:

A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as shown in the given two matrices. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-ll are numbered from 5 to 9 . A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, for example, ' C ' can be represented by 01,85 , etc, and ' U ' can be represented by 20,97 , etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word "GEEK".

Question 6:

In the following question, a word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The column and rows of matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and the column and rows of matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its columns. For example ‘R’ can be represented by 23, 40, etc. and 'Y' can be represented by 69, 87, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word given in the question.
Identify the set for the word ‘PSALM’.

Question 7:

 Following Figure has some numbers based on a certain pattern. Find the missing number which will satisfy the pattern.

Question 8:

 Following Figure has some numbers based on a certain pattern. Find the missing number which will satisfy the pattern.

Question 9:

Study the given pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in it.

First row – 13, 50, 104

Second row – 11, 42, ?

Third row – 18, 70, 144

(NOTE: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /deleting /multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed)

Question 10:

Study the given pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in it.

First row: 17, 26, 60

Second row:8, 15, 31

Third row: 11, 19, ?

(NOTE: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the number into its constituent digits. For example, 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding/deleting/multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)