RRB Group D Biology Quiz- I

Attempt now to get your rank among 36 students!

Question 1:

A person with color blindness cannot recognize which color?

Question 2:

Locomotory organ of a starfish is-

Question 3:

What is cause of down syndrome?

Question 4:

If a color blind man is married to a normal woman, what will be the characteristics of the children in his first generation?

Question 5:

The disease Beri Beri is caused due to the deficiency of which of the following?

Question 6:

Which One Is Sexual Spore?

Question 7:

Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

Question 8:

Who is the author of the book 'Origin of Species'?

Question 9:

Hashish is obtained from a plant. From which part of the plant is it obtained?

Question 10:

Which of the following is correct about micro consumer?