Attempt now to get your rank among 133 students!

Question 1:

There were 2 candidates in an election. The losing candidate received $41\%$ of the vote and was defeated by 5,580 votes. What was the total number of votes?

Question 2:

Find the value of $\sqrt{(3+\sqrt{(27+\sqrt{(73+\sqrt{64})})})}$

Question 3:

Three partners, A, B and C shared profits in the ratio 2:3:4. A new partner D joined who took half of the shares profit of each A and C. If D's share of profit now is Rs. 100, find the total profit.

Question 4:

If an article was bought for Rs. 300 and a repairing charge of Rs. 50 was paid for it and it is supposed to be sold at a profit of 20% on the marked price which is 10% of the cost price. Find the required selling price (in Rs.).

Question 5:

The average weight of 20 students of a class is 21 kg.If the weight of the teacher is also included in them, then their average weight will be one kg. becomes more. Then what will be the weight of the teacher?

Question 6:

Ram and Shyam together can do a piece of work in 8 days. But Ram alone can do that work in 14 days, then in how many days will Shyam alone complete that work?

Question 7:

If a wire is bent in the shape of a square, it forms a square of area 484 cm${ }^{2}$ . If it is bent into the shape of a circle, what will be the area of the circle? ($\pi=\frac{22}{7}$)

Question 8:

A man completes a journey in 5 hrs. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of 21 km/h and the second half at 24 km/ h. Find the total distance travelled.

Question 9:

A sum was divided among $\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}$ and $\mathrm{C}$ in the ratio of $2:5:9$. If the share of $A$ is Rs.2,500 then what is the total amount?

Question 10:

Person A can complete a piece of work in 90 minutes while person $\mathrm{B}$ takes 54 minutes to complete the same work. How much time will they take together to complete the work?