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Question 1:

Which Land Acquisition Act was followed in adopting the Land Acquisition Act-2013?

Question 2:

Which act does a taxi aggregator have to comply with under the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act,  2019?

Question 3:

Which article of the Indian Constitution states that every citizen shall protect the environment?

Question 4:

Through which amendment of the Indian Constitution the protection of forests and wildlife and birds was transferred from the State List to the Concurrent List?

Question 5:

.In which list of the Indian Constitution the protection of forests and wild animals and birds has been enacted?

Question 6:

Where is the headquarters of the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau located?

Question 7:

Divorce by mutual consent is dealt under......... of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

Question 8:

The Court of Session after passing a sentence of death, shall submit the said proceedings before the......... for confirmation and execution.

Question 9:

Which of the following organisations is regarded as the successor to the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT)?

Question 10:

Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution directs the state "to prohibit the slaughter of cows"?