Attempt now to get your rank among 113 students!

Question 1:

Evaluate the following : $\frac{(14.5)^{3}+(9.5)^{3}}{(14.5)^{2}+(9.5)^{2}-(14.5) \times(9.5)}$

Question 2:

The average age of $A$ and $B$ is 20 years. If $A$ is to be replaced by $\mathrm{C}$, the average would be 19 years. The average age of $\mathrm{C}$ and $\mathrm{A}$ is 21 years. The ages of $A, B$ and $C$ in order (in years) are

Question 3:

The population of a city is $3,40,000$. If it grows at a fixed rate of 5% every year, then what will be the population after two years?

Question 4:

A sum of Rs. 8,200 was divided among A, B, and C in such a way that A had Rs. 500 more than B and C had Rs. 300 more than A . How much was C’s share (in Rs.)?

Question 5:

$\mathrm{CP}$ of 25 articles is equal to SP of 20 articles. While the discount on 18 articles is equal to the profit earn on 9 articles. Find the sum of profit $\%$ and discount $\%$.

Question 6:

There are 65 students in a class, Rs. 39 are distributed among them so that each boy gets $80 \mathrm{P}$ and each girl gets $30 \mathrm{P}$. Find the number of boys and girls in that class.

Question 7:

The compound interest on a sum of money for two years Rs.3328 and the simple interest on the same sum for the same period is Rs.3200. The difference of the compound interest and the simple interest for three years will be :

Question 8:

Select the most appropriate option for the solution of the given equation.
$\frac{\cot 30^{\circ}}{1+\sin 45^{\circ}}+\frac{1+\sin 45^{\circ}}{\cot 30^{\circ}}=?$

Question 9:

Two circles touch each other externally at the point $\mathbf{X}$. $P Q$ is the common tangent tangent to both the circles at the point $P$ and the point $Q$. If the radii of the circles are $\mathrm{R}$ and $\mathrm{r}$, then find the value of $\mathrm{PQ}^{2}$.

Question 10:

A wooden stick is cut into cuboid shape $2.3$m long, $0.75$ m and some thickness. Its volume is 1,104 cubic meters. From this cuboid how many rectangular shaped planks measuring $2.3$ m  $\times 0.75$, m. $\times 0.04$ m  will be made?