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Question 1:

If each interior angle of a regular polygon is twice its exterior angle, then the number of sides of the regular polygon is:

Question 2:

Ratio of milk to water in $\mathrm{X}$ litres of mixture is $4: 1$. Half of the mixture is taken out & 24 liters of water is added to remaining mixture such that quantity of milk & water in Resultant mixture become same. What is the value of $X$ ?

Question 3:

Solve the above.

$240 \div 8 \times 512 \div 4+\frac{1} {2} \text { of }\left\{1800 \div(11 \times 24 \div 8 \times 3-69)^{2}\right\}$

Question 4:

Rajat distributes $12 \%, 20 \%$ and $24 \%$ of his salary into his three children who spend $30 \%, 50 \%$ and $20 \%$ of that amount respectively. The difference between the total amount left with the children and Rajat is Rs.2100. What is the salary of the Rajat?

Question 5:

A shopkeeper bought 840 kg of rice. A part of it was sold at 25 profit and the remaining at 10% loss and on the whole. the profit was 15%. What was the quantity of rice which was sold at 10% loss!

Question 6:

A bus moving from Delhi to Jaipur overtakes a scooter that is also moving towards Jaipur exactly at 1 PM. The bus reaches Jaipur at 3 PM and rests for $1 \mathrm{hr}$. When the bus returns after its rest, it meets the scooter again at $4: 30$ PM. When will the scooter reach Jaipur?

Question 7:

Mausam and her sister together can paint the walls of their house in 54 days. If Mausam alone did this work, it would take 90 days. Both of them started working together, but Mausam's sister had to leave the work 25 days before the completion of the work. How many days did the both sisters take to paint their house?

Question 8:

Atul takes a loan of Rs. $4,32,000$ from a bank, to be returned in three years at a rate of $16.67 \%$ p.a. compound interest. He returns Rs. 1,08,000 and Rs. 84000 after first year and second year respectively How much money will he have to return after third year to settle the loan?

Question 9:

The distance between the centres of the two circles with radii $4 \mathrm{~cm}$ and $9 \mathrm{~cm}$ is $13 \mathrm{~cm}$. The length of the direct common tangent (between two points of contact) is:

Question 10:

A tank $9 \mathrm{~m}$ long, $4 \mathrm{~m}$ wide, and $(1 / 3) \mathrm{m}$ deep is dug in a field $24 \mathrm{~m}$ long and $14 \mathrm{~m}$ wide. If the dug soil is spread evenly over the rest of the field, then by how much will the height of the field increase?