Attempt now to get your rank among 105 students!

Question 1:

How much rice (in kg) costing Rs. $72 / \mathrm{kg}$ is mixed with $24 \mathrm{~kg}$ of another rice costing Rs. $84 / \mathrm{kg}$ in such a way that mixture is sold at $\mathrm{Rs} .88 / \mathrm{kg}$ and gets $10 \%$ profit?

Question 2:

At certain rate of interest in certain time period Rs. 4,800 becomes Rs. 5,300  If rate of interest decreased by $15 \%$ and time period is thrice, what will be new amount?

Question 3:

What is the value of x.

$4\left\{2\left(\frac{3}{4}\right.\right.$ of $\left.\left.24-1\right)+3(7 \div x)-5 \times 8-1\right\}=20^{2}$

Question 4:

If the diagonal and area of rectangle are $41$ $\mathrm{cm}$ and $360 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}$ respectively then what will be the cost of fencing its boundary at the rate of Rs. $2.5$ per meter.

Question 5:

If $a+b=10$ and $a^{3}+b^{3}=400$, then the value of $\sqrt{a b}$ is?

Question 6:

What is the average of first 300 natural numbers?

Question 7:

Two trains running in opposite direction cross a man standing on the platform in 30 seconds and 18 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 21 seconds. Ratio of their speed is:

Question 8:

A hemispherical container of radius $7 \mathrm{~cm}$ contains $400 \mathrm{~ml}$ of water. Calculate the volume of water needed to fill the container completely.

Question 9:

Vishal secure $32 \%$ of total marks and failed by 40 marks and Usha secure 38% of total marks and failed by 10 marks. Find maximum marks?

Question 10:

Salaries of $A, B$ and $C$ are in the ratio of $2:$ $3: 5$, respectively. If their salaries were increased by $15 \%, 10 \%$ and $20 \%$ respectively, what will be the new respective ratio of their salaries?