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Question 1:

The tangent at a point $A$ of a circle with centre $O$ intersects the diameter $P Q$ of the circle (when extended) at the point $\mathrm{B}$. If $\angle B A P=127^{\circ}$ then, $\angle A Q P$ is equal to

Question 2:

The height of a cone is $45 \mathrm{~cm}$ and perimeter of its base is $176 \mathrm{~cm}$. What is the curved surface area of the cone? (take $\pi=\frac{22}{7}$ )

Question 3:

A bike travelling at an average speed of $120$ $\mathrm{km} / \mathrm{h}$ takes $7.5$ minutes to travel a certain distance. By how much should it increase its speed (in $\mathrm{km} / \mathrm{h}$ ) to travel the same distance in 6 minutes.

Question 4:

Water flows at the rate of 10 metres per minute from a cylindrical pipe $5 \mathrm{~mm}$ in diameter. How long it will take to fill up a conical vessel whose diameter at the base is $30 \mathrm{~cm}$ and dept $24 \mathrm{~cm}$ ?

Question 5:

In $\triangle P Q R, S$ and $T$ are points on $P Q$ and $P R$ respectively such that ST| | QR, if PS $=4 \mathrm{~cm}$, $\mathrm{SQ}=7.2 \mathrm{~cm}, \mathrm{TR}=9 \mathrm{~cm}, \mathrm{ST}=5.5 \mathrm{~cm}$, then find $\mathrm{PT}+\mathrm{QR}=?$

Question 6:

Find centroid of the triangle then the vertex of triangle is $(3,8)(5,6)$ and $(7,4)$.

Question 7:

A, B, C, D are four points on a circle. AC and BD intersect at a point $\mathrm{E}$ such that $\angle \mathrm{BEC}=$ $120^{\circ}$ and $\angle \mathrm{ECD}=40^{\circ} \cdot \angle \mathrm{BAC}$ is:

Question 8:

If $x+\frac{1}{x}=10 \sqrt{2}$, then the value of $x-\frac{1}{x}$ is:

Question 9:

If the six-digit number $479 x y z$ is exactly divisibly by 7,11 and 13 then $\{(y+z )\times x\}$ is equal to:

Question 10:

The average age of four boys, five years ago was 9 years. On including a new boy, the present average age of all the five is 15 years. The present age of the new boy is: