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Question 1:

Choose the odd one from the following.

Question 2:

Out of the following four words, three are alike in some way or the other and one is different. Choose the inconsistent one.

Question 3:

Identify the odd one.

Question 4:

Ashwini has five squares with different patterns. However, one of these classes is not the same as the other four. Select that odd class.

Question 5:

Select the different figure from the following figures.

Question 6:

Four number triples are given, out of which three are compatible according to a particular rule and one is inconsistent. Select the odd number triplet.

Question 7:

Read the given question and decide which of the following options is additionally required to answer the question?

Question :

In a cinema hall six friends Deepak, Kelvin, Vinay, Abhay, Gautam, and Gaurav are sitting in a straight row facing the screen. Abhay is sitting at one end. Vinay is neither sitting next to Deepak nor Gautam. Kelvin is sitting immediate next to Gautam. Gaurav is sitting to the immediate right of Gautam. Binay is on the immediate right of Abhay. Who is sitting immediate right of Vinay?

Question 8:

How many ducks can swim in the least number of formations, if there are two ducks in front of a duck and two ducks behind a duck and one duck in between two ducks?

Question 9:

Read the following question and determine which of the options requires additional information to answer it correctly.

A is taller than B. B is shorter than C. Who is tallest.

Question 10:

In a row of swimmers, Manish is 23 rd from the left end. Ramesh is 11th ranks to the left of Manish. If Ramesh is 16th from the right end, then how many swimmers are there in this row?