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Question 1:

Rani has a box in which she kept orange and mango candies. Orange and mango candies were in the ratio $9: 7$, but after she ate 12 orange candies, the ratio became 15 : 14. What was the total numbers of candies both orange and mango that initially Rani had?

Question 2:

In a competitive examination, the ratio of qualified boys and girls is 3 : 2. If one more boy qualifies, and one qualified girl leaves the class, then their new ratio becomes 2 : 1. What is the initial total sum of the qualified candidates?

Question 3:

A and B earn in the ratio $2: 1$. They spend in the ratio $5: 3$ and save in the ratio $4: 1$. If the total monthly savings of both $A$ and $B$ are Rs. 5,000, the monthly income of $B$ is:

Question 4:

The monthly income of $\mathrm{A}$ and $\mathrm{B}$ are in the ratio $2: 3$ respectively. The spend in the ratio 3 : 4 and saves in the ratio $7: 13$. If the total monthly savings of both $A$ and $B$ taken together is Rs. 10,000, then what is the montly expenditure of B (in Rupees)?

Question 5:

A bag contains certain number of coins of different denominations. The ratio of the number of Rs.1 coins to Rs. 5 coins is 7: 5 respectively and the ratio of number of Rs.5 coins to Rs.10 coins is 10: 7 respectively. Find the total value of the Rs.5 coins, if the total value of the Rs.1 coins in the bag is Rs.98.

Question 6:

The ratio of the income of $A$ and $B$ is $3: 5$, Whereas the ratio of their expenditure is $4: 7$ respectively. If $A$ and $B$ save Rs. 16000 and Rs 26000 , respectively, then what is the difference (in Rs.) between their expenditure?

Question 7:

Rs. 99356 is to be distributed among A, B and $C$ in the ratio $\frac{1}{8}: \frac{1}{5}: \frac{1}{6} .$ Share of $A$ and C taken together exceeds the share of B by (in rupees):

Question 8:

A vessel contains 125 litre of milk. Certain part of mixture is replaced by water twice. Then find quantity of mixture (in litre) replaced. If ratio between milk to water becomes $16: 9 .$

Question 9:

Two numbers are in the ratio $4: 7 .$ If 12 is subtracted from both then the ratio becomes $8: 17$. If 9 is added to each of the original numbers, then the ratio becomes:

Question 10:

If $(10 x+5):(42 x+8)$ is the triplicate ratio for $5: 8$, find $x^{3}$