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Question 1:

Given below is a statement followed by some conclusions. Decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.

Statement: A magnitude 7.3 undersea earthquake struck off Indonesia's 'Flores Island' on December 14, and the country's meteorological agency warned that tsunami waves are possible.


I.Earth quake is the only reason of Tsunami in the costal region.

II.There is possibility of Tsunami when the earthquake focus is below ocean.

Question 2:

If P + Q means, P is father of Q,

P – Q means, P is mother of Q,

P × Q means, P is brother of Q,

P ÷ Q means, P is sister of Q,

P * Q means, P is son of Q,

P # Q means, P is daughter of Q,

P $ Q means, P is husband of Q,

Then, find how is J related to Z from the given expression 'M$J#P÷X-Z*Y*K'?

Question 3:

In this question, Select the related number from the given alternatives which completes the analogy.

5 : 23 :: 59 : ?

Question 4:

What will be the next set of alphabets in the series?

Question 5:

Which one from the following alternatives cannot be formed from the word “BACTERIOPHAG ” ?

Question 6:

If in a certain language GENIOUS is coded as YXHDKRQ, then how is MONSOON coded in that language?

Question 7:

Study the gives pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in it.

Question 8:

In a row of 25 persons, Ronaldo is twelfth from the right. If there are five persons between Ronaldo and Rivaldo, who is on the right side of Ronaldo, what is the position of Rivaldo from the left?

Question 9:

Among the four friends p, q, r, and s; r is the lightest. q is the heavier than p but Lighter than s. Who is the heaviest?

Question 10:

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Point E is 15m west of point B. Point B is 30m south of point S. Point A is 20m west of point S. Point J is 15m south of point A. Point N is 35m north of point E.

If point K is exactly between point S and B, then how far and in which direction is point J with respect to K?

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन करें और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:
बिंदु E, बिंदु B के 15 मीटर पश्चिम में है। बिंदु B, बिंदु S के 30 मीटर दक्षिण में है। बिंदु A, बिंदु S के 20 मीटर पश्चिम में है। बिंदु J, बिंदु A के 15 मीटर दक्षिण में है। बिंदु N, बिंदु E के 35 मीटर उत्तर में है।