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Question 1:

Direction for Reading Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.

The man who worship from the verry depth of his heart without the least ostentation or vanity is a Sattvic worshipper. The man who gives much attention to decorating his house, makes much fuss about music and dancing and makes all costly and elaborate arrangements for a rich feast when celebrating   the worship of the Deity, is the Rajasic worshipper. The man, who immolates hundreds of innocent goats and sheep on the altar, has dishes of meat and wine for offerings, and is absorbed only in dancing and singing while conducting worship, is a Tamasic worshipper.

How many worshippers are there according to the passage ?

Direction for Reading Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.

The man who worship from the verry depth of his heart without the least ostentation or vanity is a Sattvic worshipper. The man who gives much attention to decorating his house, makes much fuss about music and dancing and makes all costly and elaborate arrangements for a rich feast when celebrating   the worship of the Deity, is the Rajasic worshipper. The man, who immolates hundreds of innocent goats and sheep on the altar, has dishes of meat and wine for offerings, and is absorbed only in dancing and singing while conducting worship, is a Tamasic worshipper.

Question 2:

Direction : Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

1.Campaigns are made of pageantry around big projects and enumeration of welfare.

2.This emphasis on redistribution corresponds with a deemphasis on job creation in political rhetoric.

3.The promises of which still exist but only as feeble addendums.

4.It is easy to blame individual leaders or natural disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic for this knot.

5.More such measures and promises can be expected as campaigning picks up.

Question 3:

Direction for Reading Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.

My research seeks to understand the historical and future impacts of climate change on the economy -and particularly on agriculture. Anthropogenic climate change has already impacted agriculture. In 2021 my colleagues and I conducted a global study examining the impacts of climate change on agriculture productivity. This encompassed crops, speciality crops, tree crops, live stock, etc. -about 99.9% of the global agriculture production was captured in this study which had country-level data of productivity since the 1960s. we found that when a country  experienced warming conditions or raised temperatures, it tended to experience lower agricultural productivity to produce the same outputs, you would need more inputs. The inputs you’d be investing currently would be less productive in warmer years.

We then took our study into a parallel world without anthropogenic climate change where weather conditions were not impacted by humans activity leading to greenhouse gases accumulating in the atmosphere. Such a world would have been considerably cooler than the one we are in. Studying both side these worlds since 1960,we found agricultural productivity would have grown faster in the world without anthropogenic climate change.Human caused climate change  is slowing   down the growth of agricultural productivity and the magnitude of this is not small --over the last 60 years of growth in agricultural productivity.

The passage given below is followed by four  summaries, choose the option that best captures the author’s position.

Direction for Reading Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.

My research seeks to understand the historical and future impacts of climate change on the economy -and particularly on agriculture. Anthropogenic climate change has already impacted agriculture. In 2021 my colleagues and I conducted a global study examining the impacts of climate change on agriculture productivity. This encompassed crops, speciality crops, tree crops, live stock, etc. -about 99.9% of the global agriculture production was captured in this study which had country-level data of productivity since the 1960s. we found that when a country  experienced warming conditions or raised temperatures, it tended to experience lower agricultural productivity to produce the same outputs, you would need more inputs. The inputs you’d be investing currently would be less productive in warmer years.

We then took our study into a parallel world without anthropogenic climate change where weather conditions were not impacted by humans activity leading to greenhouse gases accumulating in the atmosphere. Such a world would have been considerably cooler than the one we are in. Studying both side these worlds since 1960,we found agricultural productivity would have grown faster in the world without anthropogenic climate change.Human caused climate change  is slowing   down the growth of agricultural productivity and the magnitude of this is not small --over the last 60 years of growth in agricultural productivity.

Question 4:

Direction : Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

1. “The response has been unimaginable,” says Ravi, who has crooned along with Shashaa Tirupati. ‘What’s most heartening is that it is melody, which itself is a difficult proposition for composers to churn out in this age of fast-paced peppy numbers.

2.Spurred by Ravi’s work, the composer soon called him for a recording. That number, a melody titled ‘Naan Pizhai’ (kaathuvaakula rendu Kadhal), is the latest talk of the town, clocking more than three million views within a couple of days of its trending on music charts.

3.“As soon as a literary work is taken up for a firm adaptation, it becomes the director’s perspective.

4.Earlier this year Ravi G. started a musical series on Instagram titled Homejam, in which he presented covers of many underrated 90s tamil film songs.

5.One of those -- a cover of ‘porkalam’ from Tenali-attracted the attention of many, most notably music composer Anirudh who commented:’Thank you for this From Ravi G fan club president.’

Question 5:

Direction : Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

1.About 27 crore people above the age of 15 years and 8.5% of school-going children in the age group 13-15 years use tobacco in some form in India.

2.Tobacco is a product that kills more than 13 lakh Indians every year. The annual economic burden from tobacco use is estimate to be rs.177,340 crore which is more than 15 of India’s GDP.

3.The world No. 1 and a three time defending Australian Open champion, also a vaccine sceptic,

4.There is no doubt that tobacco use is highly detrimental to public health.

5.We have to find the ways and the means to reduce the demand for tobacco among existing as well as aspiring users.

Question 6:

Direction for Reading Comprehension : Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage. 

At the doors of large granaries are placed traps containing fried rice (Moori) to catch mice. The mice, attracted by the favour of the fried rice, forget the more solid pleasures of tasting the rice inside the granary,and fall into the trap. They are caught there in and killed. Just so is the case with the soul. It stands on the threshold of Divine bliss, which is like millions of the highest worldly pleasures solidified into one; but instead of striving for that bliss, it allows itself to be enticed by the petty pleasures of the world and falls into the trap of Maya, the great illusion, and dies therein.

What is the summary of this passage?

Direction for Reading Comprehension : Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.
At the doors of large granaries are placed traps containing fried rice (Moori) to catch mice. The mice, attracted by the favour of the fried rice, forget the more solid pleasures of tasting the rice inside the granary,and fall into the trap. They are caught there in and killed. Just so is the case with the soul. It stands on the threshold of Divine bliss, which is like millions of the highest worldly pleasures solidified into one; but instead of striving for that bliss, it allows itself to be enticed by the petty pleasures of the world and falls into the trap of Maya, the great illusion, and dies therein.

Question 7:

Direction for Reading Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.

A true devotee who has drunk deep of Divine love is like a veritable drunkard, and as such cannot always observe the rules of propriety.

Once Krishna Kishore asked me, ‘When this change came over me, everything was blown away, as if by the great cyclone of Ashvin The old landmarks were swept away. There was no outward consciousness itself. What to speak, then, of taking care of either the holy thread? Or even of the piece of cloth I used to wear? Lost in intense God-consciousness, I could not even know that I was nude for the greater part of the day. Therefore when Krishna Kishore took me to ask for having parted with the sacred thread, I only observed, ‘you will see it all clearly if you are once seized with madness for the lord.’ 

What is best summaries the passage?

Direction for Reading Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.

A true devotee who has drunk deep of Divine love is like a veritable drunkard, and as such cannot always observe the rules of propriety.

Once Krishna Kishore asked me, ‘When this change came over me, everything was blown away, as if by the great cyclone of Ashvin The old landmarks were swept away. There was no outward consciousness itself. What to speak, then, of taking care of either the holy thread? Or even of the piece of cloth I used to wear? Lost in intense God-consciousness, I could not even know that I was nude for the greater part of the day. Therefore when Krishna Kishore took me to ask for having parted with the sacred thread, I only observed, ‘you will see it all clearly if you are once seized with madness for the lord.’ 

Question 8:

Direction : Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

1.We found that agriculture is becoming even more sensitive to high temperature over time -

2.Already, data shows that for the same change in temperature, the slowdown was a certain amount in 1960s-but this become higher in the the 1960s.

3.This means the slowdown effect could magnified.

4.This calls for much more

5.Also, across multiple empirical models, we found these historical impacts were larger in countries around the equator.

Question 9:

Direction for Reading Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.

The master once said to Keshab Chandra Sen while the latter was ill, ‘You are suffering; but your illness has deep meaning. In this body you have gone through various stages of spiritual developments; the body is now suffering from the reaction. When the spiritual waves arise, the consciousness of the body vanishes, but it tells upon the body in the end. When a big steamer plies on the Ganges, the waves dash against the shore for sometime after the steamer has passed. The larger the boat, the bigger the waves; and sometimes they even break down the blanks. If an elephant enters a small hut, the hut shakes and falls down. So also the experience of spiritual ecstasy shakes and sometimes shatters the body of devotee. Do you know the consequence of this? If a house catches fire, many things are burnt. Similarly, the fire of Divine wisdom burns all passion, anger and other evils, and in the end destroys the consciousness of “I, me and mine”. The body then suffers a severe shock and is shattered. You may think that everything is finished, but as long as there is the least vestige of the ego, He will not make free. If you are admitted as a patient in a hospital you will not be discharged unless you are perfectly cured.

You are suffering but your illness has deep meaning.” what does the author want to say through this line?

Direction for Reading Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and pick the option whose answer best aligns with the passage.

The master once said to Keshab Chandra Sen while the latter was ill, ‘You are suffering; but your illness has deep meaning. In this body you have gone through various stages of spiritual developments; the body is now suffering from the reaction. When the spiritual waves arise, the consciousness of the body vanishes, but it tells upon the body in the end. When a big steamer plies on the Ganges, the waves dash against the shore for sometime after the steamer has passed. The larger the boat, the bigger the waves; and sometimes they even break down the blanks. If an elephant enters a small hut, the hut shakes and falls down. So also the experience of spiritual ecstasy shakes and sometimes shatters the body of devotee. Do you know the consequence of this? If a house catches fire, many things are burnt. Similarly, the fire of Divine wisdom burns all passion, anger and other evils, and in the end destroys the consciousness of “I, me and mine”. The body then suffers a severe shock and is shattered. You may think that everything is finished, but as long as there is the least vestige of the ego, He will not make free. If you are admitted as a patient in a hospital you will not be discharged unless you are perfectly cured.

Question 10:

Direction : Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to enquire about the situation in the union territory following the earthquake.

2.The officials said the quake hit at latitude 36.34 degrees north and longitude 71.05 degrees east at a depth of 181 km.

3.The epicenter of the quake, which occurred at 9.45 am, was at the Afghanistan- Tajikistan border. Strong tremors were felt in Jammu and Kashmir, they said.

4.A 5.7 magnitude earthquake hit Jammu & Kashmir on Saturday, causing damage to the spire of a famous Sufi shrine in Chrar-e- Sharief but there were no reports of any loss of life, officials said.

5.Taking into account the continued improvement in Covid situation as well as vaccination rates in the poll-going states,