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Question 1:

Who was the founder of the society of individual psychology?

Question 2:

The Terms “Eros” is related to_____?

Question 3:

Which of the following statements about principles of development is incorrect?

Question 4:

Which of the following is not developed in the sensorimotor stage of Piaget's theory?

Question 5:

A Process in which an individual learns new response by observing the behaviour of another rather than through direct experience is known as?

Question 6:

The first generation learners are those who are -

Question 7:

A teacher can address diversity in her class as -

(1) by acknowledging and giving importance to differences

(2) By using social-cultural, background-education of children as a classical resource

(3) By accommodating different learning styles

(4) By giving standard instructions and setting common standards for performance

Question 8:

The following three aspects of intelligence are dealt by Sternberg's triarchic theory except-

Question 9:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five - tier model of human needs. These needs are :

Question 10:

When children see a world only in terms of their own selves and are not able to appreciate other point of view, it is called :

Question 11:

In NCF 2005, the objective of including Art Education in school is -

Question 12:

What are the major characteristics and development changes that are found/occur in the children in the age group of 2 to 7 years

Question 13:

Which of the following is a principle of inclusive education?

Question 14:

In a progressive class -

Question 15:

Socialization of family and neighbourhood children -

Question 16:

The underlying belief behind inclusive education is -

Question 17:

According to the levels of Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which one of the following steps is given by him?

Question 18:

Cognitive Development is the emergence of the ability to _______________ and _______________.

Question 19:

Which of the following statements is correct?

Question 20:

Which of the following are the characteristics of progressive education?

(1) Instructions are based on prescribed textbooks only.

(2) Proficiency in the subjects the teacher wants to teach.

(3) Emphasis on lifelong learning and social skills.

(4) Emphasis on scoring good marks in an examination.

Question 21:

At the time of teaching gender roles in a classroom, a teacher venture that :

Question 22:

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act was proposed by the Indian Parliament on 4 August, 2009. When did this law come into effect in India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir?

Question 23:

What do you mean by the concept of childhood?

Question 24:

The students make mistakes while playing a grammar game. The teacher should -

Question 25:

The teacher can encourage the children to have creative ideas: