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Question 1:

According to Erikson, which of these is the most important aspect of the ego?

Question 2:

First stage of the motivational cycle is :

Question 3:

According to Inclusive Education, Children with special needs should be provided -

Question 4:

Which of the following is most effective mode of teaching-learning?

Question 5:

You greet your parents every morning and your child has learned by watching it. It is an example of-

Question 6:

Which of the following is the most subjective method of psychology?

Question 7:

Which is not included in the levels of inductive reasoning?

Question 8:

Theory of Multiple Intelligence  emphasizes that:

Question 9:

Which of the following are examples of  socializing agency?

Question 10:

Human development is :

Question 11:

Sita has learnt to eat rice and dal with her hands. When she is given dal and rice, she mixes rice and dal and starts eating. She has........ eaten rice and dal into her schema for doing things. this process is called:

Question 12:

Individual differences in the development of children can be attributed to?

Question 13:

Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for formative assessment?

Question 14:

If a child has some problem in seeing objects, in which school should he be admitted on the basis of NCF-2005?

Question 15:

Who Gave the hierarchical structure of learning-

Question 16:

A boy who can ride a cycle is going to drive a motorbike.This is an example of:

Question 17:

Which one does not belong to the cognitive field.

Question 18:

If two different teachers evaluate an answer book and there is a difference in marks, then, in question paper, there is:

Question 19:

The right to free and compulsory education has been removed from article 45 and placed in article 21A. Now what is article 45 related to ?

Question 20:

During classroom discussions, a teacher often pays more attention to boys than girls. This is an example of

Question 21:

The most critical period of acquisition and development of language is

Question 22:

The primary cause of individual variation is:-

Question 23:

In which of the following periods does physical growth and development occur at a rapid pace?

Question 24:

Emotions and cognition are _______each other.

Question 25:

Which of the following is a Piagetian construct in the context of cognitive development of children?