Attempt now to get your rank among 2 students!

Question 1:

The marked price of a radio set is Rs. 480 The shopkeeper allowed discount of $10 \%$ and gains $8 \%$. If no discount is allowed, his gain percent would be:

Question 2:

Krishna has 12 oranges with him. He sells $x$ of them at a profit of $10 \%$ and remaining at a loss of $10 \%$. He gains $5 \%$ on the whole outlay. The value of $x$ is:

Question 3:

The cost price of 15 apples is equal to the selling price of 25 apples. The loss percent is:

Question 4:

Two candles of same height are lighted at the same time. The first takes $4 \mathrm{hrs}$ and the second candle takes $3 \mathrm{hrs}$ to burn completely. Assuming that both the candles burn at a constant rate, then in how much time the ratio of the height of the candles will become $2: 1$

Question 5:

Shashi sells two articles for $₹ 5,000$ each with no loss and no profit in the overall transaction. If one article is sold at $16\frac {2}{3} \%$ loss, then the other is sold at a profit of:

Question 6:

$A$ sold a watch to $B$ at a profit of $20 \%$. $B$ sold it to $C$ at $30 \%$ profit. $C$ sold it to $D$ at $10 \%$ loss. If $B$ 's profit is $₹ 80$ more than that of $A$, then $D$ bought it for:

Question 7:

If by selling two items for Rs$ 360$ each a shopkeeper gains $20 \%$ profit on the first item and $20 \%$ loss on the second item, find the total profit or loss.

Question 8:

An apple vendor makes a profit of $25 \%$ by selling apples at a certain price. If he charges $₹ 1.5$ more for an apple, he gains a profit of $40 \% $. What was the original price of an apple?

Question 9:

A bought a bicycle at a certain price and sold it to B with a loss of $20 \%$ and B sold it to $\mathrm{C}$ at a profit of $15 \%$. If $\mathrm{C}$ paid Rs. 2990 for the cycle, find the price at which A bought the bicycle?

Question 10:

An article is sold at a certain price. If it is sold at 80% of this price, then there will be a loss of 10%. What is the percentage profit when the article is sold at the original selling price?