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Question 1:

A direction pole was situated on the crossing. Due to an accident the pole turned in such a manner that the pointer which was showing East, started showing North. One traveller went to the wrong direction thinking it to be West. In what direction actually he was travelling?

Question 2:

Directions : Read the following information carefully and answer the given question.

Stuti started walking towards West. She walked 400 metres straight and reached a point Q. After that she turned 60 degree clockwise and walked 400 metres again and reached a point R. After that she once again turned 60 degree clockwise and walked 400 metres again and reached a point S. After that she once again turned 60 degree clockwise and walked 400 metres again and reached a point T. After that she once again turned 60 degree clockwise and walked 400 metres again and reached a point U. After that she once again turned 60 degree clockwise and walked 400 metres again and reached initial point P. Now she walked 200 metres towards West and reached a point V. Now she turned towards North and walked a distance of $200 \sqrt{3}$ metres and reached a point W. Now she turned towards North and walked a distance of $200 \sqrt{3}$ metres and reached a point X

Approximately what is the shortest distance between the points P and R in metres?

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित जानकारी को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें और दिए गए प्रश्न के उत्तर दें।
स्तुति पश्चिम की ओर चलना शुरूकी। वह 400 मीटर सीधी चलती है और एक बिंदु Q पर पहुँचती है। उसके बाद वह 60 डिग्री दक्षिणावर्त मुड़ती है और 400 मीटर चलती है और एक बिंदु R पर पहुँचती है। उसके बाद वह एक बार फिर 60 डिग्री दक्षिणावर्त मुड़ती है और 400 मीटर चलती है और एक बिंदु S पर पहुँचती है। वह एक बार फिर 60 डिग्री दक्षिणावर्त मुड़ी और फिर से 400 मीटर चली और एक बिंदु T पर पहुंच गई। उसके बाद वह एक बार फिर 60 डिग्री दक्षिणावर्त मुड़ी और फिर से 400 मीटर चली और एक बिंदु U पर पहुंच गई। उसके बाद वह एक बार फिर 60 डिग्री दक्षिणावर्त मुड़ी और फिर400 मीटर चली और प्रारंभिक बिंदु P पर पहुँचगई । अब वह पश्चिम की ओर 200 मीटर चली और बिंदु V पर पहुँची। अब वह उत्तर की ओर मुड़ी और मीटर की दूरी चलकर बिंदु W पर पहुँची। फिर वह उत्तर की ओर मुड़ी और मीटर की दूरी तय की और एक बिंदु X पर पहुंच गयी।

Question 3:

P is the father of T. T is the daughter of M. M is the daughter of K. What is the relation of P to K ?

Question 4:

Pointing to the photograph of a girl Akanksha, Rajeev said. "Her daughter's father's wife's mother is my wife's daughter's mother's mother-in-law". How is Rajeev related to Akanksha?

Question 5:

What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following series?

47,272, 16, ? , −19, 342

Question 6:

Find the Wrong term in the given following series?

70, 59, 52, 47, 44, 38

Question 7:

Direction : Following questions are based on the five numbers given below, Study the given information and answer the following questions.

627 425 179 248 459

What is the product of 3rd digit of 2nd lowest number and 1st digit of 2nd highest number?

Question 8:

In a code language the following alphabets are coded in a particular way:

Which group of alphabets can be decoded from the following?

9 2 4 0 7 1

Question 9:

If THREE= 1, SIX=2, then THIRTY=?

Question 10:

Direction Find the related letters to complete the Analogy.