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Question 1:

Arrange the following words according to dictionary arrangement.
1. Epitaxy
2. Episode
3. Epigena
4. Epitome
5. Epilogue

Question 2:

What is the minimum number of lines required to make the given Image?

Question 3:

If in a certain code SWITCH is written as TVJSDG, which word would be written as CQFZE?

Question 4:

If in a certain language A is coded as 1, B is coded as 2, C is coded as 3, and so on, how is BIDDIC coded in that language?

Question 5:

Complete the series by choosing the missing letter/s.


Question 6:

Consider the following information and answer the question based on it.

Y is a housewife and her husband is an Inspector. Their sons J, a teacher and K, a banker are married to a nurse and teacher respectively. J's son P an Inspector is married and has 2 sons. K’S daughter Q, a software engineer is married and has two sons. All of them live in a joint family.

Q's grandmother is a _ ?

Question 7:

Question figure is embedded in which answer figure?

Question 8:

Directions : Select the related word/number from the given alternatives.

Question 9:

A question and two statements lebeled (I), (II) are given. You have to decide which statement(s) is/are sufficient to Answer the question.

Statement: Raju, Aman and Vishal are standing in long queue. You have to find that how many people are standing in the queue?

I. Two people standing behind Raju. Aman is in the middle of queue.

II. Three people are standing between Aman and Vishal. Four people are standing behind Vishal.

Question 10:

Find the missing number from the given responses