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Question 1:

If 'P' means '+', 'T' means '×', 'Q' means '-', 'R' means '÷', then find from the given alternatives which equation is correctly balanced?

Question 2:

Find the odd one out?

Question 3:

How many triangles are there in the given figure?

Question 4:

In a certain code language RESERVATION is written as MAPCQVZRFKI then how will EARTHQUAKES be coded in that code language?

Question 5:

A question and two statements lebeled (I), (II) are given. You have to decide which statement(s) is/are sufficient to Answer the question.

Statement: Raju, Aman and Vishal are standing in long queue. You have to find that how many people are standing in the queue?

I. Two people standing behind Raju. Aman is in the middle of queue.

II. Three people are standing between Aman and Vishal. Four people are standing behind Vishal.

Question 6:

Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark in the following question.

Safe : Secure :: Protect : ?

Question 7:

If ‘–’ stands for division, ‘+’ for multiplication, ‘÷’ for subtraction and ‘×’ for addition, which one of the following equations is correct?

Question 8:

Arrange the following words in the order in which they would appear in an English dictionary.

1. Temper2. Temple3. Tamarind4. Tender5. Tenacity

Question 9:

Find the alternative that can be a member of the given group/class.

Lock, Block, Fasten

Question 10:

Direction Find the related letters to complete the Analogy.