Attempt now to get your rank among 13 students!

Question 1:

Find the distance between the point $(7,5)$ and $(3,2)$ is.

Question 2:

Two bicycles are sold for Rs.5367 each. On one of them the seller makes a profit of $14 \%$ and on the other he looses $14 \%$. His gain or loss percent in the entire transaction was?

Question 3:

The given bar graph shows the imports and exports (in crores Rs.) of steel by a country from 2013 to $2017 .$

The imports of steel in 2014 , 2016 and 2017 is what percent less than the total exports in 2013,2015 and 2017 (correct to one decimal place)?

Question 4:

In a company, $45 \%$ of the staff is female and rest are males. $20 \%$ of females staffs and $40 \%$ of male staffs are married. If total number of unmarried staffs is 621 , then find the total number of staffs in the company.

Question 5:

A and B can complete a work in 12 days. B and C can complete the work in 16 days. C and A can complete the work in 24 days. In how many days A alone can complete the whole work?

Question 6:

When $(4+\sqrt{7})$ is presented in the from of perfect square it will we equal to:

Question 7:

The area of triangle whose vertices are $(2,3),(-4,9),(-6,5)$

Question 8:

A sum of Rs. 4700 is divided into two parts such that the simple interest on the first part for $5 \frac{1}{4}$ years at $9 \frac{1}{3} \%$ p.a. is double the simple interest on the second part for $3 \frac{3}{5}$ years at $6.25 \%$ p.a. What is the difference between the two parts?

Question 9:

A train crosses a pole in $12 \mathrm{sec}$ and crosses a boy sitting in another train coming from the opposite direction in $4 \mathrm{sec}$. If the speed of another train is $108 \mathrm{~km} / \mathrm{hr}$ then find the length of first train.

Question 10:

The value of $5 \div[5+8-\{4+(4$ of $2 \div 4)-(2 \div 4$ of 2$)\}]$ is