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Question 1:

Select the related number from the given alternatives.

$2.3: 8:: 3.4: ?$

Question 2:

Select the alternative which is related with the third word in the same way as the second word is related with the first word.

Country : President : : State : ?

Question 3:

Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Question 4:

Four group of numbers have been given. Among these three are alike in a certain way while one is odd. Select the group of numbers which is odd.

Question 5:

At 8 am Aman and Raman were talking facing each other. The shadow of Aman was on the left of Raman. In which direction was Aman facing?

Question 6:

What will come in place of the question mark in the given number series? 

12   22   53   136   380  ? 4225    16970

Question 7:

Starting from a point P, Sachin walked 20 metres towards South. He turned left and walked 30 metres. He again turned left and walked 20 metres. He again turned left and walked 40 metres and reached a point Q. How far and in which direction is the point Q from the point P?

Question 8:

In a certain code language SHIMLA is written as ##@##@, JAMMU is written as #@##@, NAINITAL is written as #@@#@#@#, GUAHATI is written as #@@#@#@. What will be the code for CHANDIGARH in the same code language?

Question 9:

In a row of boys, Deepak is at 194th position from the left end of the row. In the same row Jayant is at 184th position from the right end of the row. There are 75 boys between Deepak and Jayant. What will be the difference between X and Y where X = maximum number of persons in the row and Y= minimum number of persons in the row?

Question 10:

In a certain code language DELHI is written as 38-451289-97, DUBAI is written as 37-421219-98. What will be the code for PATNA in the same code language?