Attempt now to get your rank among 22 students!

Question 1:

The value of $\frac{\cos 11^{\circ} \sin 79^{\circ} \tan 45^{\circ}+\cos 79^{\circ} \sin 11^{\circ} \tan 45^{\circ}}{16 \sin 30^{\circ} \cos 60^{\circ}}$ is:

Question 2:

If price of certain article reduced by 25% by how much percent consumption may be increased to keep expenditure same?

Question 3:

Find the value of $\tan 4^{\circ} \tan 43^{\circ} \tan 47 \tan 86^{\circ}$.

Question 4:

2 men A and B start running in the same time at the point in the same direction of a circular stadium. A complete a round in 20 minutes and B complete it in 30 minutes . Find after what time they will meet again at the starting point ?

Question 5:

The average of 5 quantities is 6 . The average of 3 of them is 8. What is the average of the remaining two numbers?

Question 6:

The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a sum of Rs.20,000 for 2 years at the rate of 9% p.a., is___rupees:

Question 7:

If $a+b=18, a b=72$ and $a^{3}+b^{3}=5832$ then find the value of $\frac{\mathrm{a}^{2}+\mathrm{b}^{2}}{\mathrm{ab}}$.

Question 8:

The mean of first 50 natural numbers is:

Question 9:

Direction : What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equations?

$78.54 \div 0.03+22.8 \div 0.8-1470 \times 1.25=?$

Question 10:

Direction: What should come in Place of Question Mark (?) in the following question?

11% of? = 22 × 15 + 362 – 142