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Question 1:

M is the sister of N, R is the niece of M, T is the mother of R. M is the only daughter of K.H is the husband of K. How is K related to R ?

Question 2:

A question given below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Statement: Should home delivery of ration be started by Delhi Government for poor people living in Delhi?
I. No; It will increase the burden of the Government.
II. Yes; Many neighbouring states are following such practice.

Question 3:

Find the Wrong term in the series: 

9, 10, 18, 45, 109, 234,451

Question 4:

Complete the Analogy.

63 : 441 :: ? : 553

Question 5:

In a certain code language ‘BOY’ is written as ‘42’; ‘CAT’ is written as ‘24’; then how is TIGER written in that code language?

Question 6:

Four letter groups have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner. Which letter group is different from other three letter groups?

Question 7:

If ‘CENTURION’ is coded as 325791465 and ‘RANK’ as 18510, what will the figures 78510 represent?

Question 8:

Identify the odd pair from the following pairs.

Question 9:

An assertion(A) and reason(R) are given below. Choose the correct option.

Assertion (A):The leaves of plants are green.

Reason (R): Plants contain phycoerythrin, which gives leaves their green colour.

Question 10:

Horse is related to Neigh, similarly Lion is related to ____.