Attempt now to get your rank among 10 students!

Question 1:

In a certain code language ‘MEN’ is written as ‘32’; ‘FAT’ is written as ‘27’; then how is GOAT written in that code language?

Question 2:

In a row of 236 boys, D occupies 41th position from the left end. L occupies 95th position from the left end. X occupies 62th position from the right end. P occupies 110th position from the right end. H is exactly midway between D and L. T is exactly midway between P and X. How many boys are there between H and T?

Question 3:

Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.

Vowel, Consonant, Alphabet.

Question 4:

Select that series in which letters are not according to a general rule.

Question 5:

How many pairs of letters are there in the word TEACHER which have as many letters between them as in the English alphabet?

Question 6:

Pointing to a lady a girl said, ‘She is the daughter -in-law of the grandmother of my father’s only son’. How is the lady related to the girl?

Question 7:

Given below is a statement followed by some conclusions. Decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.

Statement: From January 2022, United Arab Emirates to switch weekends to Saturday-Sunday to boost work-life balance and enhance social well-being.


I. The condition of Employee’s in United Arab Emirates is poor due to lack of holidays.

II. United Arab Emirates is a rich country which earn money from oil, so there is no need to do work.

Question 8:

In the following equation ‘+’ is interchanged with ‘–’ and ‘6’ is interchanged with ‘9’ then which of the following equation would be correct?

Question 9:

In a code language "TWO" is written as "1" and "SIX" is written as "3". How "TWELVE" be written in the same language?

Question 10:

Direction: From among the given alternatives select the one in which the set of numbers is most like the set of numbers given in the question.
7 : 17 :: ? : 49