Attempt now to get your rank among 86 students!

Question 1:

If $\mathrm{P}: \mathrm{Q}=3: 4$ and $\mathrm{Q}: \mathrm{R}=2: 5$, then what is $(P+Q):(Q+R) ?$

Question 2:

In the table given below, the number of different types of laptops sold by a showroom in five different years is shown, on the basis of that answer the following questions.$$\begin{array}{|l|r|r|r|r|r|}\hline \text { Company } \text { year } & 2016 & 2017 & 2018 & 2019 & 2020 \\\hline \text { Apple } & 120 & 160 & 230 & 190 & 180 \\\hline \text { Avita } & 180 & 200 & 250 & 190 & 290 \\\hline \text { Lenovo } & 230 & 250 & 290 & 240 & 320 \\\hline \text { Acer } & 320 & 350 & 450 & 380 & 290 \\\hline \text { Dell } & 260 & 290 & 260 & 350 & 460 \\\hline \text { HP } & 290 & 320 & 300 & 390 & 420 \\\hline\end{array}$$Find the ratio of the total average sales of Acer laptops to the average sales of Lenovo laptops in the year 2017 and 2020.

Question 3:

How many prime numbers are there between 50 and 100?

Question 4:

In an election there are two candidates $\mathrm{A}$ and $B$. $A$ got $80 \%$ of total vote and $B$ lost the election by 12,000 vote. Find total number of votes?

Question 5:

Shivangi bought 2400 apple at Rs. 32 a dozen. At what price per dozen must she sell the apple so as to earn a profit 30%?

Question 6:

A cylindrical vessel of radius $25 \mathrm{~cm}$ and height $45 \mathrm{~cm}$ is full of water, its contents are emptied into a rectangular tub of length $50 \mathrm{~cm}$ and breadth $9 \mathrm{~cm}$. The height to which the water rises in the tub is.

Question 7:

Find the difference between the compound and simple interest on a principal of Rs. 2,000 for 3 years at an annual interest rate of $10 \%$.

Question 8:

The average monthly income of A and B is Rs 14,000 that of B and C is Rs 15,600 and A and C is Rs14,400 ,then the monthly income of C is

Question 9:

Solve the given equation -

$\left(\frac{7}{16} \div \frac{1}{2}\right.$ of $\left.\frac{1}{5}\right) \times \frac{4}{5}-\frac{1}{3} \times \frac{5}{8} \times 2+\frac{3}{4}$

Question 10:

A plane left $1 \mathrm{hr}$ later than the scheduled time and in order to reach the destination which is $3000 \mathrm{~km}$ away in time, it had to increase the speed by $250 \mathrm{~km} / \mathrm{h}$ from the usual speed. Find its usual speed.