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Question 1:

If 23rd of a month is Sunday then what day was 2 weeks and 4 days ago?

Question 2:

If in a code language ROTATE is written as URWDWH, then how will COUNTING be coded in that language?

Question 3:

On the basis of the Venn diagram given below, select the correct option from the questions.

How many players are neither artists nor doctors?

Question 4:

Select the option that depicts how the given transparent sheet of paper would appear if it is folded at the dotted line.

Question 5:

Choose the option which closely resembles the water image of the given image:

Question 6:

Four formats of a dice are shown below. Which digit will be on the face opposite to the number 2 in this die?

Question 7:

How many triangles are there in the figure given below?

Question 8:

Select the option that is related to the third term as the second term is related to the first term.

$\mathrm{AB}: \mathrm{NO}:: \mathrm{KL}: ?$

Question 9:

C said to D, "You are my sister's husband's father-in-law." How is D related to C?

Question 10:

Find the pair of the numbers that would fit into the pattern:

$15, 28,17, 25,19, 22, 21, 19 ,?$