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Question 1:

What will be the next set of alphabets in the series?


Question 2:

In this question, Select the related number from the given alternatives which completes the analogy?

14: 105 ::12 : ? :: 17: 126

Question 3:

Find the odd one out from the given options.

Question 4:

Find the missing number from the given responses.

Question 5:

If ÷ means x, + means -, x means + and – means ÷, then which of alternatives is true?

Question 6:

In a code language SWEAT is written as NSBCS. How PACER be written in the same code language?

Question 7:

Pointing to a woman Jitender said to Mukul , “She is the only daughter in law of my sister’s mother’s mother in law’s son. How is Jitender related to the woman’s mother?

Question 8:

The statements below are followed by two conclusions I and II. Assuming that the information in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance with generally established facts, decide which conclusion(s) logically and definitely follow(s) from the information given in the statements?


A. All leaves are fruits.

B. All vegetables are gold.

C. Some gold are fruits.


I. Some fruits are leaves.

II. Some vegetables are leaves.

Question 9:

What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following series?

445, 428, 394,  ? , 275, 190

Question 10:

Direction Find the related letters to complete the Analogy.

RAT : TAR :: PIT : ?