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Question 1:

Which dynasty ruled India after the Sunga dynasty?

Question 2:

What was the name of Chinese pilgrim who visited India in 6th century?

Question 3:

Who is known as Lokayat Darshan?

Question 4:

In which style are the temples of Bhubaneswar and Puri built?

Question 5:

Who among the following laid the foundation of the Chola Empire in the ninth century AD?

Question 6:

Who was the author of 'Prithviraj Raso'?

Question 7:

Who was the founder of the Pala dynasty?

Question 8:

Who was the author of Daskumarcharitam?

Question 9:

Satapatha Brahmana and Taittiriya Brahmana  are the Brahmin texts of which Veda?

Question 10:

The capital of Kalinga (the eastern province) during Ashoka's invasion was ___ ?