Attempt now to get your rank among 23 students!

Question 1:

If $x^{3}+6 x^{2}+a x-b$ is exactly divisible by $\left(x^{2}-4\right)$, then the value of $(a+b)$ is:

Question 2:

 The value of $\frac{\sin 37^{\circ} \cos 53^{\circ} \cot 45^{\circ}+\cos 37^{\circ} \sin 53^{\circ} \tan 45^{\circ}}{4 \sin 45^{\circ} \cos 45^{\circ}}$ is:

Question 3:

In a circle centre at $\mathrm{O}$, a tangent $\mathrm{AP}$ is drawn from an external point $\mathrm{A}$. If $\mathrm{OA}=61 \mathrm{~cm}$ and $\mathrm{OP}=11 \mathrm{~cm}$, then the lengthof tangent AP is:

Question 4:

During a month a shopkeeper sells his goods at a discount of 60%. But in the last week, he offers an additional discount of 30%. If the original price of the shirt is Rs. a, then the price during the last week of sale will be?

Question 5:

The single discount equivalent to the discount series of $20 \%, 10 \%$ and $5 \%$ is:

Question 6:

Bella had a certain amount with her. She spent $30 \%$ of that to buy a shirt and $10 \%$ of the remaining on transport then she gifted Rs. 160. If she is left with Rs. 1100 then the amount she spent on transport is -

Question 7:

If a men receives one forth of his capital at $3 \%$ interest , $\frac{2^{\mathrm{rd}}}{3}$ at $5 \%$ and on remaining $11 \%$, the percentage of interest he received on the whole is -

Question 8:

The average age of 11 players of a Cricket team increases by 4 months if two of them aged 21 years 5 months and 22 years 4 months respectively are replaced by two new players. The average age of new players is?

Question 9:

Three pipes A, B and C are connected to a tank. A and B together can fill the tank in 30 minutes B and C together in 20 minutes and C and A together in 15 minutes. In how much time each pipe will fill the tank.

Question 10:

Shivani starts her journey from Delhi to Chennai and simultaneously Radha starts from Chennai to Delhi. After crossing each other they finish their remaining journey $5 \frac{1}{16}$ hours and 9 hours respectively. What is Radha's speed if Shivani's speed is 24 $\mathrm{km} / \mathrm{h}$.