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Question 1:

What is the minimum number of lines required to make the given image?

Question 2:

Pointing to Rita, Nikhil said, "I am the only son of her mother's son." How is Rita related to Nikhil?

Question 3:

In the given Venn diagram, the 'rectangle' represents 'engineers', the 'circle represents 'managers', and the 'triangle represents 'married'. The numbers given in the diagram represent the number of persons in that particular category.

How many people are married but are NOT engineers?

Question 4:

From the given figures, select the one in which the question figure X is hidden/embedded?

Question 5:

Read the given statements and conclusions carefully and choose which of the conclusions logically follows from the statements.


All diagrams are figures.

All figures are three-dimensional.

Conclusion :

1. All three-dimension  are diagrams.

2. All figures are diagrams.

Question 6:

A box can be made from the sheet as shown in figure . Which letter will be on the opposite surface of B in the box?

Question 7:

Select the option that is related to the third figure in the same way as the second figure is related to the first figure.

Question 8:

Question Figure:

Answer Figures:

Question 9:

Select the related word from the given alternatives.

Wife : Husband : : Bride : ?

Question 10:

Select the option that is related to the third word as the second word is related to the first word.