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Question 1:

In the Venn diagram below, Triangle represents honest persons; Rectangle represents healthy persons; Circle represents fat persons; Hexagon represents kind persons; and Oval represents social persons. Each section is numbered. Study the diagram and answer the following question.

Which sections are represents by no. 12?

Question 2:

In the given figure circle represents the keyboard, the triangle shows the mouse, the rectangle shows the floppy and the Square shows the Computer. Find the number that represents the Computer with floppy and keyboard but not with the mouse?

Question 3:

In the following figure, the rectangle represents Physicians, the circle represents floral designers, the triangle represents Sculptors and square represents Americans. Which set of letters represents the Sculptors who are Americans?

Question 4:

In the given venn diagram square represents the Blue, Triangle represents the birds, circle represents the sky and rectangle represents the water. Then which of the following numbers in the Venn diagram shows the blue, sky,water and birds?

Question 5:

The given Venn diagram represents the sports preferences of a group of college students. There are three games - Cricket, Football and Tennis. How many students play at least one game?

Question 6:

Which of the following Venn diagrams best represents the relation between the following classes?

Spices, Cumin Seeds, Food

Question 7:

In an examination, 28% of the total students who appeared in the examination, failed in Physics, 15% failed in Biology whereas 18% failed in both subjects. What per cent of the total students passed in Biology?

Question 8:

Which of the following numbers in the venn diagram represents the Red, Bike, Rider?

Question 9:

Which of the following Venn diagrams correctly represents the relationship between the given classes?

A. Table

B. Cloth

C. Wood

Question 10:

Study the following figure and answer the questions given below:

Which letter represents the kids who like both only indoor and outdoor games?