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Question 1:

In the Mauryan period 'Sita' means-

Question 2:

The Rummindei pillar of Ashoka is related to-

Question 3:

On which of the following river banks is the Harappan site 'Daimabad' situated?

Question 4:

Which one of the following is not true about the caves of Barabar Hill?

Question 5:

The Chalukya dynasty ruled at Vatapi which was a major kingdom in the modern _______.

Question 6:

The paintings of the Ajanta caves are evidence of the Golden Age of ________ in India.

Question 7:

Kautilya was the prime minister-

Question 8:

The first Gupta ruler to issue silver coins was-

Question 9:

In which of the following periods was the standing Buddha statue made?

Question 10:

Why is Vodhgaya an important Buddhist pilgrimage centre?