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Question 1:

Under whose presidency Jainism got divided into two parts?

Question 2:

When and where did the first Buddhist council of Buddhism take place?

Question 3:

When and where was Gautam Buddha born?

Question 4:

Sutta-Pitaka, Vinaya-Pitaka are related to which Buddhist group?

Question 5:

Which of the following Pitakas was compiled by the Third Buddhist Council?

Question 6:

Under the patronage of which ruler and where did the Fourth Buddhist Council take place?

Question 7:

Where and When was the first Jain Sabha convened?

Question 8:

To which religion does Saptabhangi Gyan/Syadvada belong?

Question 9:

Who among the following was not a Jain Acharya?

Question 10:

What is the birth and death place of Vardhamana Mahavira respectively?